A Different Approach to Family Medicine: Dr. Ngozi Ude-Oshiyoye's Unconventional Journey (IMG Roadmap Series #122)

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Discover the boundless possibilities in family medicine as we delve into the inspiring journey of Dr. Ngozi Ude-Oshiyoye. In this episode, Dr. Ude shares the intricacies of her unique career path, providing valuable insights for those considering family medicine.

Ever wondered if family medicine has more to offer?

Dr. Ude-Oshiyoye assures you that the possibilities are endless. Tune in to unravel the juicy details of her unconventional journey in the field.

Concerned about the limitations of traditional family medicine?

Dr. Ude relates to your apprehensions. Early in her career, she yearned for more autonomy and fulfillment. Learn how she transformed her trajectory to create a more rewarding experience.

Passionate about entrepreneurship?

Dr. Uden shares priceless gems on the significance of multiple income streams and the prospect of running your own practice. Discover how she seamlessly integrated her diverse interests with her medical career.

Curious about establishing a private practice?

Dr. Ude-Oshiyoye provides a step-by-step guide, emphasizing the critical role of sales, marketing, and networking with fellow physicians.

What about offering esthetic services?

Explore Dr. Ude-Oshiyoye's pivot into less-traditional services alongside basic family medicine. Gain insights on leveraging medical knowledge, obtaining certifications, and seeking mentorship.

Stay connected

Visit the website of Dr. Ude’s practice Apple Valley Family Medicine Inc. to explore her services and exciting career opportunities. She's hiring!

Don't miss her podcast, Weekly Dose with Dr. Ude, for more engaging content.

For inquiries, reach out to the practice at 304-350-1087 or DM Dr. Ude on Instagram @applevalley_dr.ude!

Check out the American Board of Family Medicine and The American Academy of Family Physicians official websites for more detailed information on the possible pathways you can take in this specialty!


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