From IMG to Harvard: The Inspiring Story of Dr. Angela Banks Paulino's Determination (IMG Roadmap Series #114)

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Feeling like your options are limited on the path to medical residency as an international medical graduate?

Dr. Angela , an IMG from the Dominican Republic, shares her inspiring story of how she scored internal medicine residency and subsequently a fellowship at Harvard! Tune in now to hear how she did it!

Highlights of this episode:

  • Ever wondered if you can do ALL the USMLEs in 1 year? Dr. Paulino took her USMLE exams while working as a practitioner in the Dominican Republic, starting with Step 1 and Step 2 CS and CK over the course of a year and a half. She shared practical tips for you as you navigate studying with other responsibilities.

  • Money problems holding you back? Despite facing challenges such as limited guidance and financial costs, Dr. Paulino strategically applied to a select group of programs with specific qualities, ultimately scoring 14 interviews and matching on her first attempt. She shares her methodology in this episode.

  • Do you think your life needs to come to a hold while on your IMG journey? Dr. Paulino emphasizes the importance of networking and knowing where to apply, finding joy and grounding in personal relationships and activities outside of medicine. She also encourages others to showcase their hard work and present themselves confidently when applying to programs. Learn how when you listen today.

Don't miss out on this powerful episode on how you too can achieve the Ivy league dream.


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