What’s So Good About Being Single


adjective; unmarried or not involved in a stable sexual relationship.


Single people often face the misconception that being single is just a preparatory phase before marriage, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Some people are single for a season, while others may remain single for their entire lives. It's important not to fall into the trap of thinking that your wholeness can only be found within a relationship, as this mindset will only lead to feelings of unfulfillment and dissatisfaction.

Single people have the advantage of time, which can be used to deepen their spiritual walk, discover themselves, and find their purpose in life. They can take the time to heal from past relationships, understand their failures and seek solutions, and find what they are here on earth for. Building on what they discover about themselves, they can grow their purpose and create valuable relationships, whether with family, friends, or in their business or community.

Singlehood is a time for growth and self-discovery, so it's important to make the most of it. Whether you choose to be single or are single by circumstance, don't let the false narrative of needing a relationship to be complete hold you back. Embrace your single season and find fulfillment in your walk with God, your relationships, and your purpose in life.