Find Your Perfect Program: Insider Advice for IMGs from Match A Resident!

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As an IMG, the match process can be overwhelming, but with the right guidance, you can increase your chances of success. That's why we spoke to a representative from Match A Resident to answer all your questions and help you navigate the program selection process. Keep listening to find out more!

Are you not sure where to begin? Choosing the right specialty is a crucial step in the match process. Consider your primary and, if applicable, secondary specialty carefully. It's also important to determine your eligibility and not limit yourself. Match A Resident helps you identify factors like score cutoffs, graduation year, and the number of international medical graduates already in the program which can affect your chances of success.

What about the type of program? Match A Resident helps you to ask yourself the right questions: Do you prefer university-based or community-based programs? Do they accept visa applications? Are you interested in primary care prep or fellowship programs?

Are you concerned about money? Match A Resident can help you find programs where you have the highest chances of success so you can save money in the application process.

Have you come across a program which does not participate in the NRMP match? Some programs prefer to hand pick applicants and avoid the randomness of the match. If you encounter such a program, don't be discouraged. Match A Resident helps you to identify programs that align with your goals and apply strategically.

At Match A Resident, they have the experience and expertise to help you achieve your residency goals. Sign up using our affiliate code IMGROADMAP at checkout, to get started on writing your very own medical success story.

Also feel free to check out this list to find out about unfilled positions!


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